Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I am not sure what exactly has changed but suddenly I am getting this error when trying to launch a Web Api project. (everything is comiled without errors). Here is the error that I am getting at run time: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exceptio
How can I reset root password for MySQL
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I have installed MySQL server in Ubuntu 12.04 and I forgot password for user named root. How I can reset password for this user? Thanks.
How can I add multiple hosts in PhpMyAdmin for Ubuntu 12-14
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I can't find configuration file for adding multiple hosts. Please help!
how to listen to all whatsapp recordings at once
10 years ago • boris
is it possible to have one conversation view play all historical sounds chronologically, if someone remembers how voxer works (used to be a bit used) or check it out if you didn't use it.
.NET - compile all DLL dependencies into one standalone portable EXE file for console or a desktop project in Visual Studio
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I have a small console project in Visual Studio 2010 and I want to build and publish console application as a standalone EXE file or package with a small number of files to be copy-paste deployed if possible. There is of course an .EXE file with a bunch of .DLL files in ProjDir/bin/Release but this folder contains multiple files(DLLs, config file, resource etc.), and I would prefer to have just one .EXE file if possible. If anyone knows a goo
Integrating Microsoft OIDC IdentityServer3 with our own ASP.NET Simple Membership Provider / user database
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I have deployed an instance of IdentityServer3 and now I need to customize their default implementation to use our existing user membership database and Simple Membership Provider. By default, IdentityServer just takes a list of InMemoryUser objects and then just stores that list in memory variable. This, of course, never intended to work for any production implementation b/c you would want your users to be stored in the database and not in a
What library should I use for parsing and validating JWT token in PHP?
10 years ago • root
Could anyone please suggest what PHP library should I use for parsing and validation of JWT / OIDC token? At this moment I have found this library by firebase however I am not sure how stable and reliable it is. If you know any other proven / better library for PHP / JWT, please suggest it here! Thanks!
Validate digital signature in PHP using public key from PFX certificate?
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need to validate a digital signature (RSA256) using openssl_verify function. To validate digital signature, one of course needs to know a public key, which is provided to me in the form of PFX certificate. However, openssl_verify expects a so-called resource key identifier object as an input parameter, and it simply cannot use the key from PFX certificate directly. I was hoping that function blank" title="openssl_pkey_get_public">openssl_pk
Update Angular ng-model view JS setTimeout
10 years ago • experto
Hi, I need to update my input using some interval. So I'm using following code: HTML <div ng-app="myapp"> <div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <input type="text" ng-model="testVal" /> </div> </div> and JS: var app = angular.module('test', []); app.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.testVal = 0; setInterval(function() { $scope.testVal++; }, 1000); }); When I'm deb
Google Display Network - using Email List to create custom audience
10 years ago • alex
Some large display ad networks like Facebook and Twitter allow precise targeting by uploading a list of email addresses from your existing customers and then using the resulting custom audience to run super targeted ad campaigns. It is possible to create custom audience from email list in Google Display Network / AdWords Campaigns? .
Owin. How can I get current App context?
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
Hello :) For example. Startup project: I configure and create Owin App. Core project: This project is core. In this project, all the magic happens. But! I want to configure DB connection for Core project in Startup project and have these settings in classes of a Core project project. I believe that it should be done like this: class Strartup { public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.Properties.Add("ConnectionStri
how to do the four main operations (sum,minus,division and multiply) with integers numbers in C++ ?
10 years ago • Glamboy
how to do the four main operations (sum,minus,division and multiply) with integer numbers in C++ ? I want to do it with just 2 integer numbers !
How Can I download videos from face book and youtube ?
10 years ago • Glamboy
I want to download video from face book and you tube ! How can I do it without any other program ?
how to synchronize my PC bitcoin wallet (Electrum) with my tablet bitcoin wallet (Electrum Lite)
10 years ago • Andrews
Hello friends, I have recently downloaded electrum lite wallet for my tablet but I am have no idea as to how I can synchronize it to my electrum wallet that already installed in my PC. Can any of you help in this...
How to change language in the Visual Studio 2010
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need to chage language from RU to EN but I can not do it. Is it possible to do it without having to reinstall VS? Thanks.
How to permanently redirect domain in ASP.NET without using code-behind, and track redirected traffic as a Campaign in Google Analytics
10 years ago • alex
We have a domain that receives some type-in traffic. We want to redirect this traffic to the main domain and also be able to track that traffic as a Campaign in Google Analytics on the main site. The webserver is IIS8 and it already has an "empty website" bound to this domain to be redirected. Basically, what is the easiest way to permanently redirect domain to some external domain in ASP.NET without compiling anything and without using any c
Problems with running the web application in eclipse
10 years ago • sathyapv
You are using eclipse ide to develop your application. All the changes you make in your application is gets stored in metadata in your workspace folder. when you run the application you will get url when u open the url in web browser it shows errors.
How to charge a softbricked Galaxy S3 mini, stuck in boot loop
10 years ago • jeddou029
It's in the title, i have a phone restarting at the samsung model logo, how can I charge the battery to flash my phone using ODIN, Thanks
PhpMyAdmin - how to get execution time of MySQL Stored Procedure
10 years ago • alex
Problem: PhpMyAdmin tool is showing me query execution time, like "Query took 0.0040 seconds" in the image below) However, when I am trying to run a stored procedure (stored routine), PhpMyAdmin does NOT show me any data about execution time. Question: How can I benchmark the execution time of my stored procedure in PhpMyAdmin without writing any additional MySQL code? Thanks! . P.S. Here is an example on how to benchmark MySQL procedur
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Insert random number of rows into MySQL table using just SQL / stored routine
10 years ago • alex
I need to emulate some test data and so I need to be able insert a random number of rows, let's say from 1 to 100 rows, into MySQL table with the following schema: create table test_data ( id int ,create_date datetime ) id column must be unique b/c it is a primary key. create_date should contain the datetime when the row has been inserted. Please note that table is NOT EMPTY, i.e. it already contains a whole bunch of existing data. I want
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