Questions tagged by "jwt"

What library should I use for parsing and validating JWT token in PHP?
10 years ago • root
Could anyone please suggest what PHP library should I use for parsing and validation of JWT / OIDC token? At this moment I have found this library by firebase however I am not sure how stable and reliable it is. If you know any other proven / better library for PHP / JWT, please suggest it here! Thanks!
Online builder tool for JSON Web Signature JWS / JWT / JWE test API server
10 years ago • alex
We are developing an API project that takes JWS objects as parameters. Of course we control server / client keys, so the keys are known. However, it is laborious to construct those JWS strings by hand for every variation of JSON payload. Could anyone please suggest some online web-based JWS builder / generator / constructor tool for building JSON Web Signature JWS strings out of given JSON Payload object and Keys? Thank You! Input: RSA Priv
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Please suggest some good PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens / JWT / OIDC / OpenID Connect
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need a simple PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens. It will be used to integrate OIDC / OpenID Connect logins into existing PHP forum software. For example, here is a library for .NET(C#):
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