Protecting Android Bitcoin Wallet app with Trustonic TEE and hardware-based Secure Element
10 years ago • alex
Why blank">Trustonic? Because it has suddenly become a TEE market leader and it is pre-loaded on about blank">400 million of Android phones which is about 25% of Android mobile phones in use (estimated as of Mar 2015) Many of the Android Bitcoin Wallet apps are based on blank">BitcoinJ Java library by Mike Hearn. Lets use collective intelligence to BRAINSTORM how blank">Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) from Trustonic could be used to protec
Bitcoin HSM implementation guide for securing a server-side hosted wallet
10 years ago • alex
Bitcoin ecosystem needs robust server side HSM (blank">Hardware Security Module) implementation guide. Let's use our collective intelligence and brainstorm here some of the existing HSM vendors (blank">Thales, Safenet, etc) and see how (and if) they could be used to secure server-side Bitcoin wallets. I am announcing $100 Bitcoin bounty pool of "beer-money" (see the green banner above) to give it more visibility at BitExperts Home Page and enco
How a Search Engine Startup company could compete with Google
11 years ago • alex
Some years back, we worked on a vertical search engine for job postings, and it quickly grew to 10MM domains. To avoid showing expired jobs data, the system was mostly monitoring (re-crawling) about 250,000+ sites with actual jobs, or where jobs could potentially appear in the near future. A lot of data attributes were extracted from unstructured web and processed through filters, classifiers, Machine Learning and custom heuristics, resulting
How do I lock down internet explorer 8 with GPO registry?
10 years ago • boris
Windows server 2003 and windows xp
Chrome plugin that would automatically search every loaded webpage for a given set of keywords (or regular expression)
11 years ago • alex
I am looking for a Chrome browser plugin that would automatically search every loaded webpage for a given set of keywords (or regular expression). If found (or if regex has matched) - the plugin then should alert me with the Red Flag in the toolbar or so. Here is my use case: we have a list of companies that compete with us. While browsing websites / profiles of potential investors on the internet, I want to be alerted if their portfolio pag
How to determine current EXE directory for a C# console application
11 years ago • support_man
I tried to determine current running directory of my C# console application using the following code: Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location However that code returns path to assembly location. It may be different from the folder where EXE file is located. My console application parses logs with no parameters. I want to know the path to the logs/ folder inside of the current executable's folder. Please help!
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How to Remove Bulk Dynamic Date Format in PHP?
11 years ago • support_man
i have the following text, and i want to remove any sentence that contains keywords representing calendar month. For example, here is the original text to be processed: $mysent = 'Jul 2, 2014 . I went to special place. Aug 30, 2015 . We went to Paris.'; I try to use this array : $sasi = array('Jan ','Feb ','Mar ','Apr ','May ','Jun ','Jul ','Aug ','Sep ','Oct ','Nov ','Dec '); $angka = range(1,2015); $bulan = $sasi.$angka.", ".$angka;
AntHalService causes compile error (cm12)
11 years ago • support_man
I am trying to compile for z3 compact, [https://github.com/CyanogenMod/androiddevicesony_z3c] But cant seem to find solution for the following error: target Package: AntHalService (/home/ne/zZz/cm12/out/target/product/z3c/obj/APPS/AntHalService_intermediates/package.apk) Error parsing preferred density: normal,hdpi,xhdpi make: *** [/home/ne/zZz/cm12/out/target/product/z3c/obj/APPS/AntHalService_intermediates/package.apk] Error 1 make: *** Dele
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How to launch "Manage My Computer" snippet from command line in Windows 2000 Server
11 years ago • alex
How to run "Manage My Computer" snippet from command line in Windows 2000 Server? Usually it could be done with a right-click on "My Computer" and picking "Manage" menu item, but I've got half-broken installation of Win2K and My Computer icon is not available on my desktop... Just want to know how could it be done through command line with MMC or whatever else..Thanks!
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How to create one large css sprite image with flags of all world countries, and the set of corresponding css styles for each country?
11 years ago • alex
We have a website where we need to use country flag images when displaying things like "list of countries", "country in the user profile", etc. At this moment, we use independent images for each country. So when we need to show a list of 200+ countries, the delay caused by loading images is very noticeable. I think the page performance / response time could be improved if we would use just one large css sprite image with all the country flag
Forum software that supports login through OpenID Connect (OIDC) - different from old OpenID
11 years ago • alex
I am looking for a forum software that would out of the box (or with some plugin) support OpenID Connect logins. This is a new 2014 standard which is different from old OpenID as we know it. Please advice!
Loading dynamic html and javascript from assets in a WebView
10 years ago • alexander.kojemyakin
I am trying to display my domain object in a webview. The UI is simple jQuery Mobile. The HTML displays, but the CSS and javascript from the assets folder does not. I create the WebView like this: WebView webView = FindViewById<WebView>(Resource.Id.EntityWebView); webView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; webView.SetWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient()); webView.Settings.DomStorageEnabled = true; webView.LoadData(getMy.Html(), "text/h
Digitally sign JSON API calls from Android App (Java) to ASP.NET Web API 2 (C#)
10 years ago • alex
We have an Android App written in Java that performs HTTPS calls to our mobile API server running ASP.NET Web API 2 (C#). Some API methods require authentication, and some methods are "open". Protecting "open" methods is not required, but we still want to protect those "open" calls with digital signatures. So Android app will have a Private Key to sign the "open" API calls with. The strategy of delivering that private key into the app is irre
How to set custom font for alert dialog in android?
10 years ago • kojemyakin
In my android application an alert dialog appear after clicking on a button. I want to set custom font for that. I searched and found some tutorials and questions link this. but none of them didn't work for me. can every one help me out. Thanks.
Lock down windows xp clients with windows server 2003?
10 years ago • boris
So users cannot do the following: Disable right-click on desktop (start menu and task bar already disabled with policy) Remove/hide Control Panel icon (but not all control panel functions - Date and time allowed for the specific application) Remove/hide Printers and Faxes (no need for any printing anyway but group policy didn't have the option to do so)
How to send contact to database using wordpress plugin Contact Form 7?
10 years ago • boris
Connecting and insert record to database.
Error launching Android Studio.. Environment variable does not point to valid JVM installation
10 years ago • kojemyakin
The environment variable JAVAHOME(C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.005\bin) does not point to a valid JVM installation. I am getting this error when am launching android-studio.. And i also Tried similar questions in stack-overflow but nothing worked. am using 32bit I set the variables as: variable name : JAVAHOME Variable value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.005\bin
How to get/detect screen size in Xamarin.Forms?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
I am trying to rewrite an app that I originally developed for iOS. I was going to develop a native Android version but then decided it would be better to use this opportunity and try using Xamarin.Forms. Doing it one Page at a time, now I'm stuck with the Page where I need to get the screen's width and height. Does anyone know the equivalent of iOS' View.Frame.Width in Xamarin.Forms?
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Please suggest some good PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens / JWT / OIDC / OpenID Connect
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need a simple PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens. It will be used to integrate OIDC / OpenID Connect logins into existing PHP forum software. For example, here is a library for .NET(C#): https://github.com/johnsheehan/jwt
Javascript to show popup window when user moves mouse up fast to the top trying to close / leave this web page
10 years ago • alex
I've seen this clever marketing tactic on many websites - when I am about to leave their website and move my mouse up fast to the top of the screen (to close their tab in Chrome, etc), the site reacts real fast, showing me some large modal window with "subscribe" email capturing form, or with "special offer" . The timing is really good, and I usually stop for a second to decide on that modal window. I do it almost unconsciously, and so I woul
Visual Studio - HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
Trying to start web project - Debug - Start new instance - from Visual Studio 2019. It opens the browser at http://localhost:5221/ with the following error message HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure Instructions in the above page suggest the following: Common causes of this issue: The application failed to start The application started but then stopped The application started but threw an exception during startup Troubleshoot
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How to Enable logging the application process stdout messages in Visual Studio?
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
How to Enable logging the application process stdout messages in Visual Studio 2019 when starting and debugging web application?
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Excel VBA - how to open CSV file into current workbook
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
I am writing a VBA macro and I need to open a CSV file and load its context into current workbook. Please help!
Altenatives to Amazon Honeycode nocode app builder
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
What are the competing alternatives to Amazon's Honeycode.aws no-code app builder?
Intellij - how to open Java Solution?
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
I mostly work with c# and MS Visual Studio environment where I would just open .SLN file. But there is no .SLN file in this particular Java project. So I am trying to open this Java Solution in Intellij IDEA. I am using menu "File > Open Project". The dialog window pops up prompting me to select a folder. I am debating between selecting "das-api" folder and "trunk" folder. When I press "Select Project Folder" button (circled in red color), it
What is Thales DPoD service?
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
What is Thales DPoD service? They mention it all over their docs but what is the meaning of DPoD acronym exactly?
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Using TCG Opal encrypted SSD drive with hardware encryption
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
My laptop's SSD drive is Crucial MX500 which is supporting TCG Opal hardware encryption. I wonder how should I configure my Lenovo Thinkpad laptop to enable and use hardware-based FDE (Full Disk Encryption) in my SSD disk? Thank you!
Open Source Bluetooth Keyboard Emulator - programmable USB token
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
Hey I am looking for an App-controllable Bluetooth USB token that would emulate USB keyboard so I could connect to it from my Android or iPhone via Bluetooth, and then press a button in the App and then the Token would type passwords for me or maybe some other custom commands / arbitrary text that I would configure inside the App. Design Requirements: one of the use cases is to unlock my OPAL-encrypted SED disk drive when my computer is booti
Pushing server events into DESKTOP application - what protocols? Libraries?
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
What protocol to use in desktop application to receive server events I have a Desktop application that needs to have a bi-directional communication channel for exchanging data with the remote server over the Internet. I don't think that opening a Listener in a Desktop application will work in this environment b/c it needs to work via NAT routers, firewalls, etc. Basically, pushing data from Desktop App to server is not a problem - this coul
How to clone TCG OPAL SED encrypted drive? Can I use Acronis or any other tools?
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
I need to clone a SED SSD drive that is using TCG OPAL / SED hardware encryption. What tools should I use to clone such drive? Can I use Acronis True Image? Any other tools? Thanks!
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