Questions tagged by "openid-connect"

Integrating Microsoft OIDC IdentityServer3 with our own ASP.NET Simple Membership Provider / user database
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I have deployed an instance of IdentityServer3 and now I need to customize their default implementation to use our existing user membership database and Simple Membership Provider. By default, IdentityServer just takes a list of InMemoryUser objects and then just stores that list in memory variable. This, of course, never intended to work for any production implementation b/c you would want your users to be stored in the database and not in a
Please suggest some good PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens / JWT / OIDC / OpenID Connect
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need a simple PHP library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens. It will be used to integrate OIDC / OpenID Connect logins into existing PHP forum software. For example, here is a library for .NET(C#):
Forum software that supports login through OpenID Connect (OIDC) - different from old OpenID
10 years ago • alex
I am looking for a forum software that would out of the box (or with some plugin) support OpenID Connect logins. This is a new 2014 standard which is different from old OpenID as we know it. Please advice!
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