Testing www.myblack.com
11 years ago • kojemyakin
This is testing of the black rule
11 years ago • alexander.kojemyakin
Error: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set
11 years ago • lampego1@qrid
If you have a cURL script that tries to use CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION you might get the following error: Warning: curlsetopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPTFOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safemode or an openbasedir is set in /home/username/public_html/path/to/script.php on line xxx open_basedir is enabled on all shared servers as it is essential to proper server security. The vast majority of the time a programmer will set this opt
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Image(type=file) convert to Base64
11 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I would like to get the image in base64 once the user choosed that (before submitting the form). Something like: var file = document.getElementByTagName('file').getAsBase64();
How do I close a JIRA with no close button?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
How do you close a JIRA when there is no option to close the JIRA? We also do not have an option to delete the JIRA. Example attached. Test Heading
How to get/detect screen size in Xamarin.Forms?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
I am trying to rewrite an app that I originally developed for iOS. I was going to develop a native Android version but then decided it would be better to use this opportunity and try using Xamarin.Forms. Doing it one Page at a time, now I'm stuck with the Page where I need to get the screen's width and height. Does anyone know the equivalent of iOS' View.Frame.Width in Xamarin.Forms?
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How a Search Engine Startup company could compete with Google
11 years ago • alex
Some years back, we worked on a vertical search engine for job postings, and it quickly grew to 10MM domains. To avoid showing expired jobs data, the system was mostly monitoring (re-crawling) about 250,000+ sites with actual jobs, or where jobs could potentially appear in the near future. A lot of data attributes were extracted from unstructured web and processed through filters, classifiers, Machine Learning and custom heuristics, resulting
How would you count occurrences of a string within a string?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
I am doing something where I realised I wanted to count how many /s I could find in a string, and then it struck me, that there were about several ways to do it, but couldn't decide on what the best (or easiest) was. At the moment I'm going with something like: string source = "/once/upon/a/time/"; int count = source.Length - source.Replace("/", "").Length; But I don't like it at all, any takers? I don't really want to dig out RegEx for th
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How to calculate the total number of lines of code in a Visual Studio solution?
11 years ago • alex
Is there any way or tool to automatically calculate the total number of code lines in all source code files in a Visual Studio solution?
Forum software that supports login through OpenID Connect (OIDC) - different from old OpenID
11 years ago • alex
I am looking for a forum software that would out of the box (or with some plugin) support OpenID Connect logins. This is a new 2014 standard which is different from old OpenID as we know it. Please advice!
Issue launching Repl() on iOS
11 years ago • kojemyakin
When I first started on UI testing with Xamarin, I was able to have a test that just ran the Repl(), like this: [Test] public void LaunchRepl() { _app.Repl(); } And I was able to explore my app's UI elements. But something went wrong in the recent few days. I don't know what, but now when Repl() is hit, the terminal launches, then closes right away. I attached a screen with the error, but I'm still looking for the full error log. Is there an
Invalid number of rows in section
11 years ago • kojemyakin
I am trying to bind a ListView to ObservableCollection. It works on both Windows Phone and Android but when trying to run it on iOS - then I get the following exception: > MonoTouch.Foundation.MonoTouchException: Objective-C exception thrown. > Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: Invalid update: invalid > number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an > existing section after the update (130) must be equ
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How do I calculate someone's age in C#?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
Given a DateTime representing a person's birthday, how do I calculate their age?
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Chrome plugin that would automatically search every loaded webpage for a given set of keywords (or regular expression)
11 years ago • alex
I am looking for a Chrome browser plugin that would automatically search every loaded webpage for a given set of keywords (or regular expression). If found (or if regex has matched) - the plugin then should alert me with the Red Flag in the toolbar or so. Here is my use case: we have a list of companies that compete with us. While browsing websites / profiles of potential investors on the internet, I want to be alerted if their portfolio pag
Windows XP Remote Desktop cannot connect to remote Windows 7 host
11 years ago • alex
I have a remote Windows 7 computer in the same subnet as my local Windows XP computer. They are in the same network segment, so no routing is required to reach Windows 7 host. Also, Win 7 host is successfully pingable by both IP address and host name - so the destination host is up and running and responds to pings. Here is what I am trying to do from Windows XP host: 1) run MSTSC.EXE, which is a command to launch Remote Desktop client shippe
How to re-send user activation email in JIRA bug tracker?
11 years ago • alex
We are using Atlassian JIRA for bug tracking. I've tried to create a new user, entered his email address (gmail), and everything went fine from UI point of view - no eror message was shown, the user was created succesfully. However, the user has never received an activation email. He is using gmail. He has checked spam folder, etc. So the obvious idea to ry is to re-send an account activation email. However, I cannot find such option in JIRA.
How to create one large css sprite image with flags of all world countries, and the set of corresponding css styles for each country?
11 years ago • alex
We have a website where we need to use country flag images when displaying things like "list of countries", "country in the user profile", etc. At this moment, we use independent images for each country. So when we need to show a list of 200+ countries, the delay caused by loading images is very noticeable. I think the page performance / response time could be improved if we would use just one large css sprite image with all the country flag
How to launch "Manage My Computer" snippet from command line in Windows 2000 Server
11 years ago • alex
How to run "Manage My Computer" snippet from command line in Windows 2000 Server? Usually it could be done with a right-click on "My Computer" and picking "Manage" menu item, but I've got half-broken installation of Win2K and My Computer icon is not available on my desktop... Just want to know how could it be done through command line with MMC or whatever else..Thanks!
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AntHalService causes compile error (cm12)
11 years ago • support_man
I am trying to compile for z3 compact, [https://github.com/CyanogenMod/androiddevicesony_z3c] But cant seem to find solution for the following error: target Package: AntHalService (/home/ne/zZz/cm12/out/target/product/z3c/obj/APPS/AntHalService_intermediates/package.apk) Error parsing preferred density: normal,hdpi,xhdpi make: *** [/home/ne/zZz/cm12/out/target/product/z3c/obj/APPS/AntHalService_intermediates/package.apk] Error 1 make: *** Dele
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How to Remove Bulk Dynamic Date Format in PHP?
11 years ago • support_man
i have the following text, and i want to remove any sentence that contains keywords representing calendar month. For example, here is the original text to be processed: $mysent = 'Jul 2, 2014 . I went to special place. Aug 30, 2015 . We went to Paris.'; I try to use this array : $sasi = array('Jan ','Feb ','Mar ','Apr ','May ','Jun ','Jul ','Aug ','Sep ','Oct ','Nov ','Dec '); $angka = range(1,2015); $bulan = $sasi.$angka.", ".$angka;
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