Questions tagged by "xamarin"

test unknown url
10 years ago • kojemyakin
Xamarin Forums
Loading dynamic html and javascript from assets in a WebView
10 years ago • alexander.kojemyakin
I am trying to display my domain object in a webview. The UI is simple jQuery Mobile. The HTML displays, but the CSS and javascript from the assets folder does not. I create the WebView like this: WebView webView = FindViewById<WebView>(Resource.Id.EntityWebView); webView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; webView.SetWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient()); webView.Settings.DomStorageEnabled = true; webView.LoadData(getMy.Html(), "text/h
How to get/detect screen size in Xamarin.Forms?
10 years ago • kojemyakin
I am trying to rewrite an app that I originally developed for iOS. I was going to develop a native Android version but then decided it would be better to use this opportunity and try using Xamarin.Forms. Doing it one Page at a time, now I'm stuck with the Page where I need to get the screen's width and height. Does anyone know the equivalent of iOS' View.Frame.Width in Xamarin.Forms?
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Issue launching Repl() on iOS
10 years ago • kojemyakin
When I first started on UI testing with Xamarin, I was able to have a test that just ran the Repl(), like this: [Test] public void LaunchRepl() { _app.Repl(); } And I was able to explore my app's UI elements. But something went wrong in the recent few days. I don't know what, but now when Repl() is hit, the terminal launches, then closes right away. I attached a screen with the error, but I'm still looking for the full error log. Is there an
Invalid number of rows in section
10 years ago • kojemyakin
I am trying to bind a ListView to ObservableCollection. It works on both Windows Phone and Android but when trying to run it on iOS - then I get the following exception: > MonoTouch.Foundation.MonoTouchException: Objective-C exception thrown. > Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: Invalid update: invalid > number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an > existing section after the update (130) must be equ
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