Questions tagged by "javascript"

Smallest size javascript to render QR code in the client browser
5 years ago • allexx@qrid
Looking for a smallest size minimized javascript that is capable of rendering QR code in the client's browser. Html5 canvas or SVG or whatever
Determine file size in JavaScript without downloading a file
10 years ago • alex
I have a list of file URLs. For each URL, I need to get the corresponding file size, without downloading the file (it could be a large file). How can I do it in Javascript? Thanks!
How to check if My Chrome Extension is already installed
10 years ago • alex
How to detect if my Chrome Extension is already installed in user's browser? Using JavaScript? I am a developer of this extension. Thanks!
How to convert phone number LETTERS into DIGITS in JavaScript
10 years ago • alex
How to translate letters used in phone numbers into digits, i.e. input string '1-800-FLOWERS' should return '1-800-3569377', using a Javascript function? Below is a matrix of digital keys with corresponding letters taken from Android ICS dialer keypad. Thanks!
Worldwide City lookup javascript autocomplete list powered by Google Maps data API
10 years ago • alex
Noticed this in one of the websites - the "City" input field has a nice autocomplete lookup apparently powered by Google Maps data. What is the API powering this javascript city search box?
The most advanced Javascript Canvas Image Editor script / jQuery plugin?
10 years ago • alex
HTML5 Canvas makes it possible for users to draw images directly in the web browser. We want to use this functionality to let users quickly draw simple image diagrams / illustrations to better explain their technical questions or answers. Here is the minimal feature set that we are looking for, starting with estimated importance, or estimated frequency of use: (70%) - most often used - free-form brush drawing with various brush thickness and c
Javascript to show popup window when user moves mouse up fast to the top trying to close / leave this web page
10 years ago • alex
I've seen this clever marketing tactic on many websites - when I am about to leave their website and move my mouse up fast to the top of the screen (to close their tab in Chrome, etc), the site reacts real fast, showing me some large modal window with "subscribe" email capturing form, or with "special offer" . The timing is really good, and I usually stop for a second to decide on that modal window. I do it almost unconsciously, and so I woul
How I can programmatically close leanModal popup?
10 years ago • root
Hi there, I've encountered the following problem. I have a link that opens a leanModal window when clicked: <a href="#feedback"></a> Also, here is a content of my modal window: <div id="feedback" class="signup modal "> <div class="f_form_padding"> <div id="signup-ct"> <form class="f_form add_feedback_form" method="post"> <div class="title">Заказать обратны
How can I find a specific ancestor DOM element using jQuery?
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I need to find a specific ancestor element (parent, grandparent, etc) which MAY be located FEW LEVELS above the given (child / descendant) element in the HTML DOM tree. The specific element I am looking for is marked with a special CLASS, i.e. . > ... class = "parent" ... I'd like to use jQuery to locate that ancestor element starting from one of its descendant elements. Thanks!
Image(type=file) convert to Base64
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I would like to get the image in base64 once the user choosed that (before submitting the form). Something like: var file = document.getElementByTagName('file').getAsBase64();
JS loop producing no result
10 years ago • support_man
Trying to create an array with a loop and then sum all the contents of the array and put the result as the contents of a DIV but when I run the fiddle I get no result and jshint says everything is well formed. var begin = 500000; var stop = 999999; var arrInt = []; // Create an array worth summing var CreateArray = function (begin,stop) { while(begin < stop +1){ arrInt.push(begin++); } }; // Sum all ints in an array var I
Understanding parameters in an anonymous function (callback example)
10 years ago • support_man
There is an example in JavaScriptIsSexy for a simple callback that I'd like to understand a bit better: var friends = ["Mike", "Stacy", "Andy", "Rick"]; friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){ console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick​ }); In this case, how are the parameters eachName and index understood to mean the elements of the array (people's names as strings) and index numbers, respectively?
how to get the selected index of the asp:DropDownList control using javascript
10 years ago • support_man
I have an page, and I want to hide a div on the page when the index of the asp:DropDownList is 0 using javascript. I know how to hide the div but I do need help on how to get the selected index of the asp:DropDownLists using javascript. This is what I have in the javascript: function hideDiv() { var drpCampDock = document.getElementById('drpListCampaignDocketTemplate'); var drpCampType = document.getElementById('drpCamp
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