How can I create a full DB backup in MS SQL Server?
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I've tried to run this console command: SqlCmd -E -S MyServer –Q “BACKUP DATABASE [MyDB] TO DISK=’D:BackupsMyDB.bak'” But it did not work! Please help )
Javascript to paste a clipboard image directly to html5 canvas
10 years ago • alex
Is it possible to paste an image from clipboard to canvas using Javascript? Here is my use-case: we have a browser-based image editor (html5 / canvas) which allows uploading image files and drag-n-dropping files to canvas sometimes I do not have a file but have an image in the clipboard. For example, when using screen capturing software it would be much faster to just copy/paste image directly to canvas, to avoid extra steps of saving image in
How many Android phones have shipped with Trustonic TEE support built in?
10 years ago • alex
As of March 2015, how many Android phones have already shipped with Trustonic TEE support built in? How many phones out there already have Trustonic TEE built-in? How feasible it is to develop an Android app that would rely on Trustonic for securely storing secrets (cryptographic keys) in TEE?
List of Android phones supporting Trustonic TEE
10 years ago • alex
Please help me build a list of popular Android phone models that support Trustonic TEE! Thanks!
Trustonic TEE global market share?
10 years ago • alex
Is there any way to estimate Trustonic's TEE market share among Android phones in use globally around the world? I.e. what percentage of Android phones in use have Trustonic TEE support built-in?
ASP.NET Web Api - how to include API version number in the path as routing parameter
10 years ago • alex
How to include API version number v1, v2, v3, etc in the path (like .../v1/... ) and have it: being used to select proper version of Controller class carried over to Controller as a parameter (optional) HTTP Calls Here is how HTTP calls to different API versions would look like: /v1/User/SomeAction?param=zzz /v2/User/SomeAction?param=zzz .... /vNN/User/SomeAction?param=zzz Controllers Now let's take a look at the server side. In most
List of competitors of Trustonic TEE
10 years ago • alex
What companies are competitors of Trustonic? Who are alternative TEE vendors on ARM platform?
Programmatically check if Android phone supports Trustonic TEE
10 years ago • alex
I am developing an Android app (Java) that relies on Trustonic TEE. How can I programmatically check if user's Android phone supports Trustonic TEE? Thanks!
What is BitcoinJ library analog for iOS / iPhone / Objective-C / Swift?
10 years ago • alex
Need to create an iOS app that would implement client-side Bitcoin Wallet. In Android, we would use BitcoinJ library. Is there any library for iOS similar to BitcoinJ? Objective-C or Swift? Thanks!
How to install Trustonic TEE on Nexus 5 phone?
10 years ago • alex
How to install Trustonic TEE on Nexus 5 phone? Thanks!
C# Error - Elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, protected, or protected internal
10 years ago • alex
Getting the following compile error: Elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, protected, or protected internal Here is my code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Web.Http; namespace MyProject.Controllers { protected class MyControllerBase : ApiController { } }
Online builder tool for JSON Web Signature JWS / JWT / JWE test API server
10 years ago • alex
We are developing an API project that takes JWS objects as parameters. Of course we control server / client keys, so the keys are known. However, it is laborious to construct those JWS strings by hand for every variation of JSON payload. Could anyone please suggest some online web-based JWS builder / generator / constructor tool for building JSON Web Signature JWS strings out of given JSON Payload object and Keys? Thank You! Input: RSA Priv
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Create RSACryptoServiceProvider object with keys defined as strings without going through X509Certificate2 object
10 years ago • lampego1@qrid
Quite often people use X509Certificate2 object to instantiate a RSACryptoServiceProvider object: var rsaObj = new X509Certificate2("some-cert.p12", "password", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet).PrivateKey as RSACryptoServiceProvider; I want to generate the RSACryptoServiceProvider object using private and public keys defined as strings, without going through X509Certificate. Please help!
Windows XP Remote Desktop cannot connect to remote Windows 7 host
11 years ago • alex
I have a remote Windows 7 computer in the same subnet as my local Windows XP computer. They are in the same network segment, so no routing is required to reach Windows 7 host. Also, Win 7 host is successfully pingable by both IP address and host name - so the destination host is up and running and responds to pings. Here is what I am trying to do from Windows XP host: 1) run MSTSC.EXE, which is a command to launch Remote Desktop client shippe
PHP Pagination Last id record
11 years ago • lampego1@qrid
I've the following Pagination code : $rec_limit = 3; /* Get total number of records */ $query = "SELECT count(id) FROM news"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { die('Could not get data: ' . mysql_error()); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM ); $rec_count = $row[0]; if( isset($_GET{'page'} ) ) { $page = $_GET{'page'} + 1; $offset = $rec_limit * $page ; } else { $page = 0; $offset = 0; } $left_rec = $rec_co
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how to get the selected index of the asp:DropDownList control using javascript
11 years ago • support_man
I have an asp.net page, and I want to hide a div on the page when the index of the asp:DropDownList is 0 using javascript. I know how to hide the div but I do need help on how to get the selected index of the asp:DropDownLists using javascript. This is what I have in the javascript: function hideDiv() { var drpCampDock = document.getElementById('drpListCampaignDocketTemplate'); var drpCampType = document.getElementById('drpCamp
Understanding parameters in an anonymous function (callback example)
11 years ago • support_man
There is an example in JavaScriptIsSexy for a simple callback that I'd like to understand a bit better: var friends = ["Mike", "Stacy", "Andy", "Rick"]; friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){ console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick​ }); In this case, how are the parameters eachName and index understood to mean the elements of the array (people's names as strings) and index numbers, respectively?
JS loop producing no result
11 years ago • support_man
Trying to create an array with a loop and then sum all the contents of the array and put the result as the contents of a DIV but when I run the fiddle I get no result and jshint says everything is well formed. var begin = 500000; var stop = 999999; var arrInt = []; // Create an array worth summing var CreateArray = function (begin,stop) { while(begin < stop +1){ arrInt.push(begin++); } }; // Sum all ints in an array var I
Issue launching Repl() on iOS
11 years ago • kojemyakin
When I first started on UI testing with Xamarin, I was able to have a test that just ran the Repl(), like this: [Test] public void LaunchRepl() { _app.Repl(); } And I was able to explore my app's UI elements. But something went wrong in the recent few days. I don't know what, but now when Repl() is hit, the terminal launches, then closes right away. I attached a screen with the error, but I'm still looking for the full error log. Is there an
How do I calculate someone's age in C#?
11 years ago • kojemyakin
Given a DateTime representing a person's birthday, how do I calculate their age?
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