Questions tagged by "bitcoinj"

Fetching Blockchain transactions and its fee in real time
8 years ago • SRashid
we need all bitcoin transactions in real time (unconfirmed transactions) and there fee to miner
Monitoring ALL Bitcoin Blockchain transactions in real time on a global scale
9 years ago • alex@qrid
We need to monitor / intercept / inspect all bitcoin transactions that are being sent to certain rather small but ever changing list of Bitcoin addresses. Basically, we just need to run a custom code in the event of any new transaction being sent through Bitcoin P2P Network. What would be a reasonable technical approach to accomplish that task? Thanks!
What is BitcoinJ library analog for iOS / iPhone / Objective-C / Swift?
10 years ago • alex
Need to create an iOS app that would implement client-side Bitcoin Wallet. In Android, we would use BitcoinJ library. Is there any library for iOS similar to BitcoinJ? Objective-C or Swift? Thanks!
Protecting Android Bitcoin Wallet app with Trustonic TEE and hardware-based Secure Element
10 years ago • alex
Why blank">Trustonic? Because it has suddenly become a TEE market leader and it is pre-loaded on about blank">400 million of Android phones which is about 25% of Android mobile phones in use (estimated as of Mar 2015) Many of the Android Bitcoin Wallet apps are based on blank">BitcoinJ Java library by Mike Hearn. Lets use collective intelligence to BRAINSTORM how blank">Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) from Trustonic could be used to protec
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