Questions tagged by "plsql"

PL/SQL: IF ... THEN ... GOTO in one line of code
9 years ago • alex
Can I write IF ... THEN ... GOTO statements in one single line of code in Oracle PL/SQL?
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Oracle SQL - splitting Full Name separated by comma into First Name and Last Name
9 years ago • alex
How to parse Full Name separated by comma into First Name and Last Name in Oracle SQL? For example, the following string 'Smith, James' should be split into 2 strings 'Smith' and 'James'
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Oracle DATE constant expression invariant to date format settings
9 years ago • alex@qrid
How to include a DATE constant / expression / literal in my PL/SQL script so the script would successfully run in different database environments with potentially different default date format settings? I am referring here to NLS settings, specifically NLS_DATE_FORMAT
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Converting phone LETTERS into DIGITS in T-SQL / MS SQL Server
10 years ago • alex
How to convert letters used in phone numbers into digits, i.e. input string '1-800-FLOWERS' should return '1-800-3569377', using a T-SQL? In Oracle, I would have used PL/SQL TRANSLATE function, however I need to do it in T-SQL and there is no similar function in T-SQL. Please take a look at this image - this is the transformation I am looking for Thanks!
Equivalent to Oracle TRANSLATE function in Microsoft SQL Server
10 years ago • alex
What is the equivalent to Oracle PL/SQL TRANSLATE function in Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL? TRANSLATE returns string with all occurrences of each character in from_string replaced by its corresponding character in to_string, both of these strings are being passed as parameters to TRANSLATE. For example, TRANSLATE('big brown cow', 'abc', 'xyz') /* this would return 'yig yrown zow' */ This function is useful in many situations, for example,
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