Questions tagged by "qsee"

Is QSEE (Qualcomm's TEE) compliant with GlobalPlatform TEE specifications / API's?
8 years ago • alex@qrid
blank" title="undefined">QSEE is widely deployed on most of Samsungs and other phones that are based on Qualcomm's CPU (Snapdragon, etc). My question is does QSEE implement blank" title="undefined" "undefined">GlobalPlatform TEE API's. In other words, is QSEE compliant with GlobalPlatform TEE specs? Thanks!
Programmatically check if Android phone has TEE and what TEE vendor it is - Trustonic, OPTEE, Qualcomm's QSEE, etc?
10 years ago • alex
Some features of my Android app are depending on a TEE (Trusted Execution Environment / ARM TrustZone) being present on the phone. How from my Java app can I detect if this phone has a TEE installed, and if so, what vendor's TEE it is? Thanks!
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