Chrome extension to show PDF file SIZE in Google Search Results without downloading that file

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I often search for PDF files (Books) in Google using filetype:pdf search operator. Quite often there are multiple spammy PDF files with their link titles being similar to books I am searching for. Those files are ususally much smaller in size compared to book files. So in the book search, the file size could be a reasonably good indicator if this particular PDF link worth a download, or not.

I wonder if there is a Chrome browser extension that would show PDF file SIZES in Google Search Results for all PDF links, preferrably without downloading any file?

It might look something like this:


Chrome browser extension that would show PDF file SIZES in Google Search Results

1 Answer

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I think that Chrome extension could use HTTP HEAD requests and this JavaScript code to get a file length from response headers without downloading the file. Hopefully someone would be willing to spend some time and put together a working extension into Chrome Web Store


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